Thursday, 4 August 2016


So today I am 20 w + 6 days.

LMP: March 10.
EDD: Dec 16, 2016 (Adjusted as per dating ultrasound)

Anatomy ultrasound was July 19 - 18w+4. (I was looking forward to this day so much. So excited and so anxious...). The technician was exceptionally nice. Maybe because he knew what was in store for me. After the scan they called my name sooner than others that had been waiting longer. Ok, odd. I get up, and before i can reach the staff who called my name, a few metres away, they are telling me "go straight to your OB".

Not what I wanted to hear.

Go to my OB's office. OB is not there. DEFINITELY not what I wanted to hear. I am scheduled in first thing the next morning.

July 20 - 18w+5. My OB tells me that the u/s doctor found my cervix length to be 2.1 cm. However, my OB reviewed my scans with a high-risk OB, and determined that a clearer scan or more accurate measurement may be 2.6 cm, and there are no signs of funnelling. She explains my options and eventually we agree on vaginal progesterone and monitoring closely on weekly basis. She tells me to stop running (I had registered and trained for a 10k race taking place on July 24), and no more than 20-30 minutes of brisk walking.

July 27 - 19w+5.  Follow up ultrasound. Cervix length 2.2cm. But this time they see funnelling. I am told to go home, pack up for the night and return to triage for a cerclage. She tells me I will likely be able to return home the following day, but should be engaging in as little activity as possible.
- I head home, frantically and unsuccessfully calling my partner, but successfully reaching my manager. So being the first person I speak to since the news, I am crying on the phone explaining my predicament and the unknowns of the rest of the work week.
- I get home, pack up, partner and i head to the hospital.
- We meet with my OB again. She reviewed the scans. Actually, a clearer measurement that she and the high-risk OB agreed on was 2.4 cm, and they didn't feel there was significant funnelling. She tells me that all things taken into account, the risks do not outweight the benefits of the cerclage She tells me I still have about a 10% chance of delivering before 32 weeks. We decide to continue with the progesterone and monitor weekly.
- She tells me to either work from home or only at a desk at work, and only if I can drive in. No walking further than the mailbox or driveway.

Aug 2 - 20w+4. follow up ultrasound. Cervix length 2.2 cm. No Funnelling!
- I think we are all glad to see some stability in the length, and of course, the lack of funnelling.
- the plan is continue progesterone, continue weekly monitoring, continue as little activity as possible
- as a side note, first thing the nurse asked was "are you on bed rest?" and eventually "you should do as little as possible, stay in bed as much as possible". I told her I'd feel so much better after 24-25 weeks since I'll reach the viability stage, but she tells me that 24-28 weeks is actually the worst time because baby could survive but under poor conditions. Thanks for the pep talk.

So here we are today, at 20 weeks + 6 days.
Modified work - I drive in, and sit at a desk all day.
As little lifting/walking/standing as feasible
Taking things day by day. And going out of my mind with fear, trying not to shit my pants, nor go into labour.

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