I haven't updated in a while, so here's a quick, quick update... More to follow after my OB appointment on Wednesday Oct 5.
being at home has been tough.
for one thing, i am starting to feel a bit depressed. Hearing sounds from the outside world reminds me that I'm stick in here. I feel useless and unproductive. I feel immense guilt for not working and not being able to take care of things at home. I feel terrible that DH has to do everything around the house, on top of renovations and his stressful job.
Secondly, on weekends, I spend all my time downstairs on the main floor where there is no bathroom, because that's where DS hangs out. That means going up/down a flight of stairs about hourly to go to the washroom. Makes me so nervous.
We tried to go to the park on the weekend. It was a bit of a nightmare. DH pushed me in the wheelchair while I pushed DS on his tricycle (because he insisted on being in his tricycle). But after about 20 minutes of course I had to go to the bathroom, so we had to head back shortly after.
With my time now, I've been mentally and spiritually preparing for labour. I prepared my birth plan (which I wasn't going to prepare but my doula insists the hospital staff reads it), I've finished re-reading a couple of my books, and started reading up on hypnobirthing and meditating.
But meditation has been challenging because I find it hard to focus.
I've started making paintings for baby, as well as a few for DS.
Overall I am so, so grateful that I have made it this far. No signs of labour. Next goal is half a week away, 30 weeks!
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